Structfab Draughting Services Limited
Specialist 3-D Structural Steel Detailing & General Draughting Services.
With a background in all aspects of the building process, we have the skills and experience to ensure your project meets all of the key milestones in it's critical path program. From the Architects concept and Engineers specifications we will deconstruct all the elements and ensure compatibility with all the required sub-trades. We will identify areas of conflict, and provide cost effective solutions to overcome problems.
Whilst our services are typically revolved around the Structural Steel of a building, we can provide details for any number of elements required to make up the structure, be it Structural Steel, Metal work, Precast concrete panels, Stud framing, Timber, Glazing, Cladding, Signwork, etc.
A great "design visualization" tool for Builder, Architect & Tenant alike, is our Struwalker 3-D "walk-thru" model. With the free viewing software we shall provide you, you can view the structure, as it will stand, well before any fabrication has commenced, from the comfort and convenience of your own offices. Scroll around, look from any location or angle, zoom in and inspect connection details i.e., member sizes, plate thicknesses, bolt gauges,etc. Utilize this to make essential design decisions early in your critical path program. Or treat your client to the "fly-thru" visualization for that dramatic sell.
Below is a simplified visual representation of the steps we typically undertake for a project.
Please contact us and let's discuss the steps to ensure success with your next project.